Travels of Sanctuary
Jim Healy
Posted: 2017-12-21T14:19:00Z
Sanctuary is a classic Monk 36' trawler powered by a single 150hP Cummins diesel engine. Peg and Jim have lived aboard since September, 2004. We have cruised over 50K miles and 6K hours. Our cruising has included the Great Loop, the northern Bahamas, and the US East Coast from Maine to Florida.
The link to our blog follows: To see the blog, either click the link or copy 'n paste the link into your preferred web browser.
Sanctuary's Blog consists of posts on technical topics, cruising topics and boat ownership topics. Technical posts discuss boat systems and boating technologies. Cruising posts summarize our learning and observations for our cruises to various destinations. Boat ownership posts attempt to describe some legal issues around boat ownership and operation. Blog posts occur from time-to-time.
All opinions and conclusions are the author's. Information is believed to be correct at the time of the post, but posts may not cover all possible scenarios. Questions and comments are welcome.
All readers are advised to do their own due diligence in the context of their own personal circumstances.
Comments and replies on this site are not allowed, but comments and replies can be left on our Wordpress site. Our goal is to respond within 24 hours, subject to our availability.
Peg and Jim Healy, aboard Sanctuary, December 21, 2017.